Welcome to Waggy Canine Services!
Whether it’s for dog walking, puppy classes, fun agility and hoopers, training walks or online courses relating to the family, Waggy Canine Services are focused on not only creating positive enriching experiences for your dog, but also coaching owners how to effectively communicate with their canine companion, using only positive techniques and by working alongside experienced like-minded collegues, coaches and trainers promoting the highest standards of canine practice.

Waggy Canine Services is a place where you can find a huge range of modern, ethical and professional services for your canine in Lincolnshire or wider in the UK, depending on the service. All services emphasise long-term support, ensuring you get the best compassionate and positive training and care for your wonderful canines.


Puppy Training
Training Walks for Loose Lead and Recall
Dog Walking
Pet Sitting
Cats and Small Animal Care
Fun Agility Training
Canine Hoopers Training
Online Courses for thr Family Dog

We are proud to work in collaboration with and recommend the following

Robin Waite
UK sniffer dogs
Canine Confidence
Do no harm dog training
Positive Dog Training Academy
Canine Hoopers World
Nosey Barker
Sarah Whitehead
Kids around dogs
The Holistic Grooming Academy
Cheltenham Noticeboard
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