1-2-1 Tailored dog walks and check-in services in Bedford.

I love getting to know dogs individually and seeing what makes them hoppy and light up. Walks are tailored to each of their needs. I love to see dogs relaxed and enjoying their walks. We might do some enrichment, sniffing, play games, watch the world go by, splash in puddles, build confidence, learn life skills, learn new cues/tricks, etc.

I became a dog walker following the pandemic and have gained lots of experience with different breeds, large and small, young and old, nervous, anxious and reactive dogs (I have one myself). I am forever learning and I regularly undertake continuous professional development to improve my skills and keep up to date with the latest science backed kind and ethical methods.


Dog Walking (1-2-1 and dogs from the same household)
Check-in services

We are proud to work in collaboration with and recommend the following

Robin Waite
UK sniffer dogs
Canine Confidence
Do no harm dog training
Positive Dog Training Academy
Canine Hoopers World
Nosey Barker
Sarah Whitehead
Kids around dogs
The Holistic Grooming Academy
Cheltenham Noticeboard
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