







Poole, Dorset, UK




If you asked my mother, she would tell you how, as a little girl, I had to stop and cuddle every dog I’d meet! Things haven’t changed much since… the only difference is that now I know not all dogs like being cuddled by strangers. But I always say ‘hello’ to all the dogs I see.
I have always been obsessed with dogs, however I only adopted my first dog after Gary and I got married. Our first doggy was a gorgeous Pug called Pixel. He was perfect in every way.
When our little human, Molly, arrived, Pixel proved once again to be a wonderful being and accepted her without ever complaining. Our family was complete…
I’m sure you can understand how hard it was for us to lose him, just before he turned 8. I’ve never known such hurt and sadness.
Pixel taught us life is dull and empty without a dog in it… so, we rescued Wilco, also a Pug… he came with more issues than fur! We worked a lot with him, once again using love, treats and patience. At the same time, I started working with dogs… walking them, looking after them and, eventually, got into studying about them and qualified as a dog trainer with the wonderful IMDT in London.
It was inevitable that we would adopt another dog… why stop at one, right?
The latest addition to the family is Winnie, a Working Golden Retriever. She is as lively as she is lovely. Very eager to please and learn; Winnie is very friendly, which makes her a great companion on the ever so popular Pocodogs Socialisation Walks and is occasionally a welcome guest star at the Pocodogs Group Classes.

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Dog Training

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Groups Classes

Socialisation Walks


Dog Bite prevention talks

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