Terms and Conditions

You agree to the following statements and abide by these rules:

All members of Pet Professional Network will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions when registering as a member. We reserve the right to cancel the contract of membership (at any time & with immediate effect) if these terms and conditions are breached.


The purpose of Pet Professional Network is to:

    1. Create a supportive and encouraging environment for pet professionals to develop their businesses
    2. Promote and develop professional networks
    3. Provide members of the public with information about our members who offer direct professional pet services that meet high levels of quality service standards.


Professional and Platinum membership of Pet Professional Network is restricted to businesses and professionals who provide a direct service to pet owners or who are in the process of creating such a business. Professional, Platinum and Affiliate members are entitled to one entry in our directory as part of their membership. Additional entries are only permitted with explicit permission of Pet Professional Network.

Levels of Membership


Professional membership will be offered, subject to an annual membership fee to pet professionals who are able to demonstrate that they:

  1. Actively provide and promote force-free training and handling methods.
  2. Reject training and/or handling methods that cause unnecessary discomfort, both physical or mental, to either human or pet clients.
  3. Reject and prohibit the use of prong collars, spray collars, slip leads, restricting harnesses or any equipment that intentionally restricts pets to help prevent pulling, head collars (please see our policy statement on Haltis), verbal/physical corrections to intimidate/punish pets, pet correctors, rattle cans.
  4. provide long term/follow up support for clients.
  5. Carry the appropriate insurance for their services, including public liability.
  6. Have the correct licences for their services where appropriate.
  7. Continue their professional and personal development, updating their knowledge of pet care, training and welfare legislation.
  8. Only accept clients and their pets that they can effectively serve within their professional limits and experience.
  9. Refer clients to another professional who has the appropriate skills or knowledge should they be unable to offer a safe and professional service.
  10. Seek appropriate supervision / assessment or mentoring opportunities to further their knowledge.

All of the above plus:

  1. A minimum of 3 months sign up.
  2. You agree to Regularly check in with your Mentor Helen Motteram and complete ongoing set tasks.
  3. Affiliate membership (includes as of professional where relevant):

There are a limited number of affiliate members who offer business services (B2B) to our members. These include – but are not limited to – coaching, money management, complaints and mediation, website development and marketing. Affiliate membership is strictly by invitation only. Promotion of business to business services within Pet Professional is limited to those invited affiliates. Professional or Platinum members who attempt to promote business services without prior permission of Pet Professional Network will be removed, their membership cancelled without refund.

Membership is subject to an annual fee and may be subject to increase upon renewal.

Refunds will not be given to members who decide to leave the group on their own accord or those that breach these terms and conditions.



  1. Pet Professional logos and branding is the property of Pet Professional Network and is subject to copyright.
  2. Use of Pet Professional logos and branding on your website or social media platforms is permitted for subscribed members whose membership fees have been paid. Should your membership lapse or you choose to leave Pet Professional Network, all branding and logos must be removed.
  3. The use of other professionals’ images/infographics without prior consent is prohibited. However, sharing posts from their original source is encouraged.
  4. You will not copy and paste another professionals’ content and use it as your own. All blogs written on your pages/website should be in your own words or if using someone else’s material quoted and referenced.
  5. You consent to Pet Professional Network sharing your information on our website and via our social media platforms.
  6. You consent to Pet Professional Network, using your images and infographics on our website to promote your business. We will ask permission and seek consent for other uses (for example to illustrate more general posts or media.)

Conflict of interest

  1. Professional, Affiliate or Platinum members are prohibited from creating, managing or developing networks that offer similar services to Pet Professional Network. This includes but is not limited to marketing, social media or support groups. Members who attempt to do so, or who are subsequently discovered to be offering such services prior to joining Pet Professional Network will have their membership cancelled without refund.
  2. Professional and Platinum Members who also have a B2B service in addition to their core pet business (a service which helps other members) may only share events or services with the permission of Pet Professional Network within social media groups and platforms. This includes commenting on posts without request or using the group as a marketing tool. Permission must be sought in advance.

Bullying and Harassment

Bullying and Harassment is strictly prohibited. For more information regarding bullying, please see our specific bullying procedure. If we have evidence that any member or group of members is bullying another member of the group, they will be removed, pending investigation.


Members who harass other members will have their membership cancelled. No refund will be offered. Harassment includes but is not limited to:

  1. Sending unsolicited private messages
  2. Blocking admins or moderators
  3. Spamming social media groups or networks with inappropriate, unrelated or B2B content
  4. Stealing or using content created by another member


Members will respect the confidentiality of their clients and other members of Pet Professional Network by:

  1. Anonymising posts when seeking support or guidance about their clients.
  2. Keeping information shared within the group by other members seeking support or guidance confidential.
  3. Never ‘Screen-shotting’ posts from within the group and sharing these either publicly or privately.

The decisions of the management of Pet Professional Network are final.

We thank you for all your support and for continuing to raise the standards for animals and people.

For any ethics issues please read our complaints policy and contact our Ethics Team: support@petpronetwork.com

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